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Bren's Spicy Blend Adds Heat To Shrimp Kebobs


Have you ever made Shrimp Kebobs? It’s so easy to do!


Skewer a few cherry tomatoes, cut up mushrooms and zucchini, add a shrimp or two and you’re ready to spice it up!


Using a brush, coat your kebobs with a little bit of olive oil and then sprinkle with Bren’s Spicy Blend. Grill for 3-5 minutes on both sides, and you’re good to go!


Kebobs are great because you can mix up your veggies anyway you like! Pearl onions, red onions, peppers of any kind, cherry tomatoes or grape tomatoes, mushrooms, or zucchini all go great on kebobs.


Even fruit works well with shrimp, from citrus like lemon and lime, to peaches or pineapple, Kebobs with shrimp is a good way to mix it up with your BBQ this weekend.


Bren’s Spicy Blend is perfect for beef, poultry, lamb, fish, shrimp, pork, pasta, eggs, popcorn, and even in Bloody Marys! Use your imagination!


Add Some Heat To Every Bite with Bren's Spicy Blend!


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